Music listings
Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Organ prelude: From sonata in A, op. 35 no. 3 (Mendelssohn)
Mass: Mass for three voices (Byrd)
Motets: Cibavit illos (Tye); O strength and stay (arr. Harris)
Hymns: Praise my soul the king of heaven; The mass is ended, all go in peace
Organ postlude: Fugue in E flat, BWV 552 (Bach)
Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Organ prelude: Sonata in E minor, BWV 528 - second movement (Bach)
Mass: Mass for three voices (Byrd)
Motets: O sacrum convivium (Farrant); My eyes for beauty pine (Howells)
Hymns: All my hope on God is founded; Now thank we all our God
Organ postlude: Prelude in E flat, BWV 552 (Bach)
Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time
Organ prelude: Sonata in E minor, BWV 528 - first movement (Bach)
Mass: Mass for three voices (Byrd)
Motets: O sacrum convivium (Farrant); Jesu, joy of man's desiring (Bach)
Hymns: Holy God we praise thy name; The mass is ended, all go in peace
Organ postlude: Pièce héroique (Franck)
Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Organ prelude: An Wasserflüssen Babylon (Bach)
Mass: Mass for three voices (Byrd)
Motets: O sacrum convivium (Farrant); O strength and stay (arr. Harris)
Hymns: All my hope on God is founded; Now thank we all our God
Organ postlude: Choral in B minor (Franck)
Corpus Christi
Organ prelude: Tierce en taille (Du Mage)
Mass: Mass for three voices (Byrd)
Motets: Cibavit illos (Tye); Ave verum corpus (Elgar)
Hymns: Praise my soul the king of heaven; Hail redeemer king divine
Organ postlude: Processional (Mathias)
The Most Holy Trinity
Organ prelude: Plein jeu (Du Mage)
Mass: Kyrie (O'Donnell); Sanctus, Agnus Dei (plainchant XV)
Motets: Alta Trinita beata (anon.); The deer's cry (Davey)
Hymns: Sing praise to our creator; O Mary of graces
Organ postlude: St Patrick's breastplate (Stanford)
Pentecost Suynday
Organ prelude: Prelude in F, op. 101 no. 1 (Stanford)
introit: Introit for Pentecost (O'Donnell)
Mass: Kyrie (O'Donnell); Sanctus, Agnus Dei (plainchant XV)
Motets: Concordi laetitia (plainchant); Venui creator spiritus (plainchant/O'Donnell)
Hymn: Holy Spirit, Lord of love
Organ postlude: Prelude in F sharp minor (Buxtehude)
The Ascension of the Lord
Organ prelude: Largo, from Sonata in C, BWV 529 (Bach)
Mass: Kyrie (O'Donnell); Sanctus, Agnus Dei (plainchant XV)
Motets: Dixit Maria ad angelum (Hassler); The deer's cry (Davey)
Hymns: Let the earth rejoine and sing; Alleluia, sing to Jesus
Organ postlude: Prelude in D minor, op. 105 no. 6 (Stanford)
Sixth Sunday of Easter
Organ prelude: Prelude in G, op. 105 no. 3 (Stanford)
Mass: Kyrie (O'Donnell); Sanctus, Agnus Dei (plainchant XV)
Motets: If ye love me (Tallis); Ave verum corpus (Elgar)
Hymns: Tell out my soul the greatness of the Lord; Regina caeli (plainchant)
Organ postlude: Prelude in G minor (Buxtehude)
Fifth Sunday of Easter
Organ prelude: Ruhig bewegt, from Sonata II (Hindemith)
Mass: Missa de angelis (plainchant VIII)
Motets: Regina caeli (Soriano); Most glorious Lord of life (Harris)
Hymns: Now the green blade rises; Regina caeli (plainchant)
Organ postlude: Final, from Symphony I (Vierne)
Fourth Sunday of Easter
Organ prelude: Christ ist erstanden, verse 3, BWV 627 (Bach)
Mass: Missa de angelis (plainchant VIII)
Motets: O filii et filiae (plainchant/O'Donnell); Regina caeli (Aichinger)
Hymns: An tAiséirí; Regina caeli (plainchant)
Organ postlude: Litanies (Alain)
Third Sunday of Easter
Organ prelude: Christ ist erstanden, verse 1, BWV 627 (Bach)
Mass: Missa de angelis (plainchant VIII)
Motets: God reigns (Deiss); O filii et filiae (plainchant/O'Donnell)
Hymns: Now the green blade rises; Regina caeli (plainchant)
Organ postlude: Toccata in B minor (Gigout)
Second Sunday of Easter
Organ prelude: Fantasia on Christ lag in Todesbanden, BWV 695 (Bach)
Mass: Missa de angelis (plainchant VIII)
Motets: Surrexit Christus hodie (Scheidt); Most glorious Lord of life (Harris)
Hymns: Jesus Christ is risen today; Regina caeli (plainchant)
Organ postlude: Christ lag in Todesbanden, BWV 625 (Bach)
Easter Sunday
Organ prelude: Improvisation
Mass: Missa de angelis (plainchant VIII)
Sequence: Victimae paschali laudes (plainchant)
Motets: Surrexit Christus hodie (Scheidt); Most glorious Lord of life (Harris)
Hymns: Jesus Christ is risen today; Thine be the glory
Organ postlude: Carillon-Sortie (Mulet)
Easter Vigil
Exultet: (Roman Missal)
Gloria: Missa de angelis (plainchant VIII)
Litany of the saints: (Roman Missal)
Motets: Sicut cervus (Palestrina); Surrexit Christus hodie (Scheidt); Most glorious Lord of life (Harris)
Hymn: Thine be the glory
Organ postlude: Carillon-Sortie (Mulet)
Good Friday: Celebration of the Lord's Passion
During the gospel: Jerusalem (Bewerunge)
Unveiling of the cross: Ecce lignum crucis (Roman Missal)
Veneration of the cross: Reproaches (O'Donnell)
Preparation of communion: Christus factus est (Anerio)
Distribution of communion: Crux fidelis/psalm 41 (plainchant/O'Donnell)
Holy Thursday: Mass of the Lord's Supper
Mass: Missa de angelis (plainchant VIII)
Motets: O sacrum convivium (Farrant); Ecce quomodo (Handl)
During the washing of the feet: Faith, hope & love (McDonagh) / Ubu caritas (plainchant)
Procession to the altar of repose: Pange lingua (plainchant)
Reposition of the Blessed Sacrament: Tantum ergo (Bruckner)
Passion Sunday
The Cathedral Choir is joined this morning by the Plymouth Canton Singers, from Michigan in the USA.
Organ prelude: Herzlich tut mich verlangen (Bach)
Mass: Missa de angelis (plainchant VIII)
Motets: Christus factus est (Anerio); Salvum fac populum tuum, Domine (Bruckner)
Hymns: All glory, praise and honour; Hail redeemer king divine
Organ postlude: Prelude on "Christ be near at either hand" (Stanford)
St Patrick, Patron of Ireland; Fifth Sunday of Lent
Organ prelude: wer nur den lieben Gott läßt walten (Bach)
Mass: Missa orbis factor (plainchant XI)
Motets: Sicut cervus (Palestrina); The deer's cry (Davey)
Hymns: Dóchas linn, Naomh Pádraig; Be thou my vision
Organ postlude: St Patrick's breastplate (Stanford)
Fourth Sunday of Lent
Organ prelude: Mit Fried und Freud ich fahr' dahin (Bach)
Mass: Missa orbis factor (plainchant XI)
Motets: God so loved the world (Goss); Christus factus est (Anerio)
Hymns: God of mercy and compassion; O sacred head
Organ postlude: Herzlich tut mich verlangen (Brahms)