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Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time

This Sunday’s readings contain sayings from the Book of Ecclesiasticus and from Jesus’ Sermon on the Level. The Book of Ecclesiasticus was written in Hebrew, probably between 196 and 175 BC, by…


Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time

Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time

It is probable that most of us do not have enemies as such. Often it is more the case that some people annoy us and we are tempted to strike back with some unkind words. In her autobiography


Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Luke’s account of the beatitudes differs from that of Matthew, in that in Matthew's gospel Jesus preaches from  a mountain, which signifies the nearness of God (Matthew:13-16). Moses received…


Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time

The first reading and the gospel describe the presence of God in very different ways. Isaiah has a vision of God enthroned in splendour. He uses colourful imagery like a throne, smoke and seraphs…


The Presentation of the Lord

The Presentation of the Lord

Luke wrote for gentiles and possibly Hellenic Jews. The whole purpose of his gospel is to tell them the story of Jesus. He begins by introducing a cast of characters, whose faith points them to…


Thrd Sunday in Ordinary Time

Thrd Sunday in Ordinary Time

Today’s gospel is especially appropriate at this time. The wealthy are becoming even richer, while the poor are being left behind. The rich often misuse their power for their own benefit, rather…


Second Sunday in Ordinary Time

Second Sunday in Ordinary Time

There were probably a large number of people at the Wedding Feast of Cana. Jesus and his twelve disciples would have swelled the number. It would seem at this point that Jesus was still living at…


The Baptism of the Lord

The Baptism of the Lord

All four gospels give an account of the baptism of Jesus by John the Baptist. Mark begins his gospel with the baptism of Jesus and John bears witness to his identity through the Baptist, who…


Second Sunday of Christmas

Second Sunday of Christmas

The prologue to the gospel of John introduces the reader to the themes of the gospel which he is about to encounter. The last gospel was written probably around 100 AD and therefore is the product…


Solemnity of the Holy Family

Solemnity of the Holy Family

The story of Hannah and Samuel is extraordinary. What mother would part with her child? Like many bible stories it is symbolic in nature, like that of Abraham, who was asked to sacrifice Isaac (…