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Pentecost Sunday

“When the Spirit of truth comes he will guide you into all the truth; for he will not speak on his own, but will speak whatever he hears, and He will declare to you the things that are to come.” (John 16.13-14)

Truth today seems to have little value for people who create their own narrative to achieve their goals. Jesus however, is the Word of God and the Spirit is the means by which his teaching is made known. This is where we find the truth. The Holy Spirit is pictured in many ways: as fire, as wind, as a dove and as breath. These are attempts at describing the action of the third Person of the Trinity. Jesus as a human being was limited to a time and place. He is the visible face of God. The Spirit is not limited but moves through the world as he wishes. Elijah’s gentle breeze (1 Kings 19.12-13) conveys a feeling of gentleness, peace and love; this is the sign of the Spirit’s presence.

The feast of Pentecost occurred fifty days after Passover and attracted the greatest crowds from abroad, because it came when the weather was suitable for travelling. It was a propitious time for the Good News to be preached. Luke tells us that the followers of Jesus assembled in the upper room and that Mary was present with them. It was fitting that she, who had given birth to the Word by power of the Holy Spirit, should be present also at the nativity of the church.

Thou, of all consolers best,
thou, the soul’s delightful guest,
dost refreshing peace bestow.
- From the sequence for the mass of Pentecost