People generally see what they want to see. God chose to become human in every way except for sin. He also decided to be reared in a village that was considered a bit of a backwater. “Nazareth! Can anything good come from there?” (John 1:46) His family was not rich or powerful, and was well known in the neighbourhood. Many villagers would have played with Jesus when he was a boy and sought his services as a carpenter when he grew up. The women would have chatted with Mary as they went about their daily tasks.
As a human being Jesus must have looked forward to going home and seeing all his old companions and customers. By now, however, he was fulfilling the mission his Father had given him. While it was quite acceptable for him to be an ordinary returned native, it was quite another for Nazareth to receive him as the Messiah.
As we walk along the road we miss so much of the life that is going on around us. In the grassy verge by the pavement there are myriads of small plants and tiny insects who each play a part in the environment; yet we do not see them. So the people of Nazareth looked at the village carpenter and made no effort to see beyond their narrow perspective.