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St Elizabeth

Saint Elizabeth

Feast day: 5 November

All the information we have about St Elizabeth, Mary’s kinswoman, is contained in the first chapter of St Luke's gospel. Her husband Zechariah was a priest. We are told that the couple was "righteous before God." They exemplified what was best in Israel, leading good lives and obeying the commandments faithfully. However they were childless: "Elizabeth was barren and both getting on in years."  This must have been a source of great unhappiness for them. When Elizabeth did conceive, she described her previous situation poignantly, as "the disgrace I have endured among my people." How sad for such a woman, to have felt disgrace for something she could do nothing about.

Elizabeth, however, was to have a very special place in God’s plan - she was singled out as the first person to hear about the incarnation. Even before Mary arrived at her house, the Holy Spirit had told her the news. I imagine Mary, after her journey of possibly more than a hundred kilometres, probably on foot; a young girl, pregnant, tired and thirsty. I picture her being warmly enfolded in Elizabeth’s arms and finding to her relief that there was someone in whom she could safely confide. I am certain that in the three months which the two women spent together they supported one another and rejoiced in gratitude for what God had done for them. Mary probably assisted in the birth of John the Baptist and held the new baby in her arms.

Elizabeth's last appearance in Luke was when her baby was to be circumcised. She told the family and friends that he was to be called John. Poor Elizabeth; having been humiliated by being barren, she was now sidelined: Zechariah was asked to give the correct name, since his wife had obviously got things wrong!

I think we often meet Elizabeth. She is the quiet, self-effacing woman who goes about unnoticed; yet she is the one who, having listened carefully, responds with insight because she has taken time to reflect before she speaks. She is the archetypal wise woman.

St Elizabeth pray for us.